Welcome to Orange Tuesdays 34th Edition!
Do you take food supplement or any vitamins?..me? yeah..but not on daily basis. Most of the time I forgot to take my vitamins. I usually take Vitamin E and Vitamin C. My shared photo is my vitamin C. Obviously, It's not in good condition. It's already expired and ready to trash.
Why take Vitamin C? Aside from a well known reason that it boost our immune system, this vitamin has a lot of benefit actually. Here are other benefits of Vitamin C (source)
- promotes healing of all body cells
- essential for building collagen
- helps prevent cancer and heart disease
- detoxifies the body
- supports the good bacteria in your gut
- kills candida, bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites
- prevents hardening of the arteries
- neutralizes harmful environmental and bacterial toxins
- protects us from pollution and dangerous pesticides
- destroys free radicals
- combats stress
- acts as an antidepressant
- removes heavy metals like mercury and lead
- lowers high cholesterol
..take your Vitamic C now.
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