Monday, March 7, 2011

New Armed Forces PH Chief

PNoy made an annoucnement during PMA graduation batch 2011 last Sunday for new AFP chief. The lucky one? Lieutenant General Eduardo Oban Jr. Mr.Oban belong to PMA class 1979 and has the third highest post in AFP as Armed Forces deputy chief of staff. Oban was formerly vice commander of the Air Force and once served as its operations chief.

What AFP chief do?
The Chief of staff, AFP executes the Presidents command functions in relation to military strategy, tactics and operation. He exercises the command and control over all elements of the AFP (source: AFP office of the Cheif of Staff)

Lt. Gen. Eduardo Oban Jr

Lt. Gen. Eduardo Oban will replace Lt. Gen. Ricardo David. Oban prominent role is his involvement in Oakwood mutineers 2003 negotiation. He was personally chosen by Trillanes to be part of negotiating panel of the Government.

But mind you guys, Gen. Oban will retire in 9 months from now. 2nd short live appointee of PNoy. His predesessor serve AFP for 8months. In 9months time, what do you think guys Gen. Oban can do in AFP?

Lets just hope for the best what Gen.Oban can do to us Filipinos. He was given one of the highest post in AFP lets pray he will do his job well.

Goodluck Lt. Gen. Eduardo Oban Jr.

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